Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care system that combines evidence-based medicine and traditional therapies aimed to treat the underlying cause of all health conditions.

A naturopathic physician is informed by six underlying principles of healing which are:

  1. First do no harm — Primum No Nocere
  2. Working with the healing power of Nature  — Vis Medicatrix Naturale
  3. Identify and treat the cause — Tolle Causam
  4. Treat the whole person — Tolle Tottum
  5. The physician as teacher — Docere
  6. Prevention is key — Praevenire

Herbal Medicine:

Naturopathic doctors are extensively trained and regulated in the art, science and philosophy of botanical medicine. With various herbal combinations custom created for each case, we look to create a synergistic effect!

Herbal medicine formulations a desired to have specific affinities for various organs in the body & have been historically recognized for their therapeutic effect in treating various conditions.

Clinical Nutrition:

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

Nutritional counselling is a cornerstone of naturopathic medicine. We understand the significant impact that diet has on each individual's health. Therefore, every consultation involves an assessment of dietary intake so that appropriate dietary modification and nutritional supplements can be provided.

Clinical Counselling:

A harmonious state between the mind-body-spirit is a foundational principle at Armaiti Wellness. Achieving complete health not only involves balancing the biochemistry of the physical body but also addressing deeply rooted mental and emotional imbalances as well.

What to Expect:

  • Intake Form - completed by you prior to your initial visit, covers your main concern, expectations, medications, supplements, past medical history, family history etc.
  • Initial Consultation - 1 hour visit where your chief concerns are explored in depth along with all associated symptoms. Sleep, energy, stress, diet and a review of body systems is done to find the underlying cause of illness.
  • Physical Exams - a focused physical exam may be indicated i.e. an abdominal exam.
  • Testing - your most recent labs are reviewed to take a closer look at what is normal for your constitution. If you are symptomatic but the labs say you are "fine" further investigation will be warranted.
  • Specialized Testing - may include a selection from our specialized functional tests.
  • Treatment Plan - a customized treatment plan is created to suit your overall health concerns and the results of lab testing. This may involve medications, herbal formulations, nutraceuticals or an acupuncture protocol.  Diet & lifestyle are a staple with most treatment plans.
  • Follow-up Visits - depending on the concern the number of follow-ups can range.
Book Your Appointment

Initial Consultation

60 minute | Investment - $245

For patients new to the clinic. During this one hour initial consult, your naturopathic physician will take a thorough medical history, do relevant physical exams, recommend indicated functional lab testing and design an individualized treatment plan.



Follow Up Consultation

45 minute | Investment - $175

For returning patients who have not been to the clinic for more than twelve months. We do require a brief intake form to be filled out before your return visit.



Follow Up Consultation

30 minute | Investment - $125

For returning patients who have been to the clinic within the past twelve months.


Most extended health insurance plans provide coverage for naturopathic visits with a licensed naturopathic doctor. Supplements and lab tests may be covered depending on your plan.

Our clinic offers direct billing for naturopathic services with the following extended insurance providers:

  • Manulife
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
  • Great West Life
  • Pacific Blue Cross
  • Maximum Benefit
  • Johnston Group
  • Johnson Inc.
  • Green Shield Canada


The direct billing web portal provides us with the amount that is covered for each visit. If the visit isn't fully covered through your plan, you will be required to pay the remaining portion. We simply require your policy number and ID from your insurance pocket card.

If your insurance provider is not listed above you will simply have to submit your claim personally. Please contact your provider for details about your personal coverage plan.

Other Services Include

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