Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture is a branch of traditional acupuncture with a special focus on the health and appearance of skin. It involves a holistic approach by using clinical assessment to determine a constitutional acupuncture diagnosis to address the underlying factors in skin health. Very fine needles are inserted in the face along with synergistic points on the body corresponding with energy channels that help support the body’s life force, known as Qi.

A cosmetic acupuncture session includes facial cupping and facial lymphatic drainage techniques followed by a Jade Roller massage. A customized intake will also provide recommended dietary and lifestyle changes, supplementation, customized skincare, and functional lab testing if indicated.


Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Initial

75 minute | Investment - $170

A cosmetic acupuncture session including facial cupping and facial lymphatic drainage techniques followed by Jade Roller massage. A customized intake will also provide recommended dietary and lifestyle changes, supplementation, customized skin care, and functional lab testing if indicated. 



Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Follow Up

60 minute | Investment - $150

A cosmetic acupuncture session including facial cupping and facial lymphatic drainage techniques followed by Jade Roller massage. 


Most extended health insurance plans provide coverage for naturopathic visits with a licensed naturopathic doctor. Supplements and lab tests may be covered depending on your plan.

Our clinic offers direct billing for naturopathic services with the following extended insurance providers:

  • Manulife
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
  • Great West Life
  • Pacific Blue Cross
  • Maximum Benefit
  • Johnston Group
  • Johnson Inc.
  • Green Shield Canada


The direct billing web portal provides us with the amount that is covered for each visit. If the visit isn't fully covered through your plan, you will be required to pay the remaining portion. We simply require your policy number and ID from your insurance pocket card.

If your insurance provider is not listed above you will simply have to submit your claim personally. Please contact your provider for details about your personal coverage plan.

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