May 22, 2022
Mold Toxicity
Chronic disease as a result of mold toxicity is one of the most commonly missed diagnosis.
Patient often suffer from a wide array of symptoms including:
- Fatigue, weakness
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain, tendonitis, morning stiffness
- Numbness, tingling, vertigo
- Difficulty with temperature regulation
- Headaches
- Memory issues
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Difficulty with concentration
- “Brain fog”
- Chronic sinus congestion
- Cough
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Abdominal pain (IBS), secretory diarrhea
- Excessive thirst, frequent urination
- Impotence, nausea and vomiting
- Heavy menstrual period
- Mood swings
Risk Factors for Mold Toxicity Include:
Mold Exposure:
- Living in a water damaged building
- Occupation that exposes you to mold
- Home with excess moisture & poor ventilation
- HLA-DR Gene
Testing Involves:
- Mycotoxin urine test that screens for a variety of mold species
- Remove source of exposure
- Use lifestyle changes, supplementation and diet to eliminate the mold
Final Notes:
- The first place to start is GUT HEALTH
- If your digestion is not functioning optimally we can only get so far with mold toxicity treatment, as these species live in networks with other microbes called BIOFILMS
- Always start with the gut and then mold detox